Respect, Safe, High Standards



As a school, we plan for teaching and learning within English using the following agreed approaches:

  • Letters and Sounds to teach phonological awareness, phonics, early reading and spelling from K-3;
  • Diana Rigg PLD Sequence to teach Spelling from Years 3-6;
  • Talk 4 Writing to teach writing, with influence and support from the North East Metro Language Development Centre; and
  • Opportunities for shared, modelled and guided reading linked to class learning

As a staff we have agreed on the following methods to assess and moderate language and literacy learning:

  • Brightpath writing moderation tasks
  • Letters and Sounds phase assessments
  • Dynamic Decoding Measures (phonological awareness)
  • Narrative Language Measures reading comprehension
  • Dibels Maze reading comprehension
  • Motif non words spelling

We currently have full time Education Assistants in each classroom from Kindy – Year 2, who support curriculum engagement and early intervention strategies for Literacy. Classes in Years 3-6 benefit from shared EA allocation to support student learning.